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Wearing safety gloves and glasses is mandatory as the electrolyte in batteries most commonly is sulfuric acid and will irreparably burn skin and eyes very quickly.
In these examples we will be dealing with a typical automotive battery but you’ll find that several carry over to most battery types regardless of what they are. Remember that this information is a guide and you should always refer to the battery manufacturers guidelines for care.
The best thing you can do for your battery is to not let it go flat, or if it has gone flat don’t let it sit around flat. Charge it as soon as possible on a appropriately sized charger and every so often put it back on the charger just for a top up. Depending on the chemistry and the type of battery you own the frequency of charging or the type of battery charger you need to use could vary considerably so give us a call if you’re not sure or drop in to the store and we’ll check it out for you.